Students that are selected to participate in the Vicktory Life High School Internship program will be provided an opportunity to participate in Life Skills Seminars and interact with other students.
Students will have a chance to become a part of a team that will focus on becoming leaders that make a difference in their community. The Vicktory Life High School Internship will help students recognize their work values, skills, and interests based on their interaction with their environment.
Students will be able to form an identity and recognize their skills eventually leading them to making a career choice based on their self as it relates to their world. Vicktory Life believes the healthiest sense of self is manifested in one’s ability to serve others first.
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Develop professional skills
- Choose a University
- Become self-sufficient
- Learn time management skills
- Present skills learned in internship program when participating in social & school activities.
- Utilize feedback, direction, and constructive criticism from Director of Student Development in order to enhance their professionalism and overall development.
- Work cooperatively and effectively within Vicktory Life setting and demonstrate positive attitude and respect to all individuals.
Internship Hour Documentation
Documenting hours is critical to ensure that all students complete their necessary hours.
All students are required to complete a total of 200 internship hours and 50 hours of community service.
Each student will keep a log of their internship hours as well as their community service hours.
Community Service
Students are required to volunteer a total of 50 hours of community service.
1. Students must complete and a submit 1000 word essay describing why they believe they are a good candidate for the high school internship program. Students will need to discuss their future goals, hobbies and personal interests. Also students will need to identify professionals who have influenced them throughout their life.
2. Students will need to submit a copy of their high school transcripts and SAT/ACT scores if you they have taken either test.
3. Students will need to provide a list of any community service projects they have been involved in, employment history, and school activities they are involved in or participated in while enrolled in high school.
4. Attach two letters of recommendation from a teacher, principal counselor, employer, or religious leader.
Have Questions?
If you are interested in our program and what to know more details about this opportunity.
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If you are ready to roll out and want to reserve your spot. Start you application now!